Hi, can anyone help.
My girlfriend and I are going over to australia on a 12 month working holiday visa in october but are still undecided where to head to first. Im a qualified civil engineer and my girlfriend a qualified nail technician. We were hopeing to find something in similar fields but are quite open minded as to what and where.
Google: civil engineering jobs australia, and get something arranged before you book your flight destination there.
Cyberia: People on a WHV never get jobs arranged before going there. That's just not how things work on a WHV. The of a WHV is for young people "to have an extended holiday [in Australia] while supplementing [their] funds with short-term work in Australia". That pretty much goes together with just winging it, travelling through the entire country and finding jobs on the go. Could you please stop giving bad advice about job-related questions from people on a WHV?
charliebob: When starting in October, explore the south first, as the north will be going into the wet season from November-ish onward (lasts until March), making things rather unpleasant.
I don't know what things are like in your specific fields, but if you can effectively work in relatively short-term projects, you should be fine. Finding anything other than non-menial jobs tends to be hard with big companies, and finding anything when going through recruiters who don't specialize in working with travellers. But in many smaller companies you'll come across Australians who fondly remember backpacking their way around the world not too long ago, and will be willing to give you a break in turn because of it. Applying at places directly tends to give better results because of it.

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