Hey,im a 26 year old irish lad and im heading to australia in the next few months and im just wondering is anyone else planning on doing the same thing and maybe looking for a travel buddy for the flight over??my 1st year working holiday visa has been granted so im ready to book flights pretty much anytime now,not too fussy about what part of australia i go to 1st,so any1 thats looking for a travel bud pm me or leave a comment on here..thanks
hey its prob a bit soon for you but we`re flying out 23rd of july
well hows it goin?im looking to go as soon as possible to be honest,wat part u flyin to?
hey well we`re this is our itinerary:
it was the cheapest flight!!
yeah i wanna start in perth too jus dreading the taughts of the flight alone..
well your welcome to join us if you want, we can meet you in the airport
Would u say there's any seats left on ur flight?how much did it cost u?
im not sure, we bought our flights last november
Ah ye I'd say they would be den,thanks anyway,I'll jus book something very soon now,visa is expiring in a couple of months too so can't hang about!!
im going out in october flying to sydney ur welcome to come with me and my mate flying on the 18th october from heathrow to malysia to sydney we are doing a week with a company called ultimate oz so we meet more people quickly, when does ur visa expire?
Hannah x

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