hi guys, as it says above, we have the flight sorted to and from new york, but apart form that the schedule is empty. We're currently struggling for ideas and welcome all of your tips, advice and opinions on anything form things/cities to see, modes of tranpsort and accomodation.
The problem being that NYC is the single most expensive place in the States to travel to. I'm American myself, and rarely go there because of the ridiculous cost. It is well worth seeing, but don't expect any bargains. Last time I was there in Oct '11, I stayed in a shared apartment in Brooklyn - good deal at $79. I used Airbnb.com to find the apartment - worked out extremely well. If you try to get a hotel room, you're talking a minimum of $150. for anything near decent - Manhattan prices are normally much higher than the outlying areas. NYC has excellent transportation - you should download the MTA subway map - extremely useful!
Where else to go? In summer, I would head to the Jersey shore - you get a great slice of American life that way + it's great fun, and the beaches are rather good. My family always went to Ocean City, NJ in S. New Jersey (south of Atlantic City) - great little place.
Washington DC is not too far by train, and has some very interesting sites/museums. Boston is also well worth the effort. In summer, you could also go to the beaches of Cape Cod.
To really see this country a rental car is best, but the Northeast does have good train service (AMTRAK), and now there's also decent bus service (I don't recommend Greyhound).
As it was said, new york is one of the most expensive places to stay in us. I stayed in 60 Thomson hotes, which is few steps from all you need to see in NY. But im sure you can fins some good deals . Its over 2000hotels there, description and reviews from verified guessts.
Hope that helps

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