Best national park in India?

Hello all!

The wikipedia has a list of 98 national parks in India and you can click on the links for more information on most of them.

Possibly things have changed since but I visited a few when I was there many years ago and they were so-so. Very little wildlife. I saw more when on the road and even in towns.

Do not touch any animals, even cats and dogs. Rabies. Monkeys can be very vicious and are very strong.

Thoroughly wash your hands after touching any unknown plants before eating anything.

Best national park in India is Bandhavgarh National Park ! This park is wildlife park but its really amazing park of India !

Usually the combination of good trekking and seeing wildlife is not much of an option. It's either nature/trekking or nature/wildlife, although there probably are a few exceptions.

Have been to both Bandhavgarh and Kanha National Parks. Both are perfect regarding nature (not spectactular mountains or so, but diversity regarding flora and fauna are impressive) and the wildlife was fantastic as well. You can view some photos of mine in my photo gallery. Saw 5 tigers, of which 4 in Bandhavgarh and only 1 in Kanha. Kanha is bigger and is more diverse. Bandhavgarh is one of the best places in the world to see tigers in the wild.

Trekking is very good in Ladakh, but can't really comment on that because I haven't been there. Not my cup of tea anyway to go trekking...

[ 06-Aug-2012, at 02:44 by Utrecht ]

Well according to me It's Bandhavgarh National park which is In MP great place for Wildlife & Tigers.......

Best national park in India?

Best national park in India?

Best national park in India?

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