After many of uncomfortable, sleepless nights on airplanes, I finally found a solution, I think: I tied two diagonal points of my handkerchief together to make a circle, then slipped it over my hands clasped together as in a Thai greeting, then put my elbows on the drop down food tray of the seat in front of me, and put my weary head to rest on my own hands. I have tried this in the past, but without the hanky, and presto, the moment I fall asleep, my hands forgot they were supposed to hold my head up. I said "I think" this works: I was so excited about this solution, I couldn't sleep anymore.
That would work so long as you're allowed to keep the food tray down and as long as the person in the window seat doesn't want to get past you.
My bigger worry is the person in front of me all of a sudden moving his seat backwards or forwards.
I vote for a good quality neck cushion!
Hehe, I'm surprised there is no dental floss involved! Could maybe use it as tripwire in case the guy next to you wants to get up, hehe
I vote for a good quality neck cushion!
My problem has been they make my head flop forwards; tell me if you have found one that keeps that from happening. I have tried putting on a headband and then securing that to the headrest behind my head. It stopped my head from falling over but couldn't sleep anyway...
Maybe you could listen to some soothing music? Jazz? Nature sounds? Or read until you get exhausted.... Hope you figure out a solution! Good luck!
I prefer inflatable camp pillows to neck cushions. You can deflate them at the end of the flight so you don't carry around a pillow for the rest of your journey. You can also adjust the inflation level to allow it to "cup" your head and neck. For the true benefits, you have to plan in advance and get a window seat so that you can prop your pillow against the wall a bit. It's not perfect, but my head typically doesn't fall forward.
My jet has a kingsize bed in it.
I have got a good one... it actually completely circles the neck - almost like a neck brace - and has lovely soft velvet cover. It's made of memory foam/latex which squeezes into the smallest spaces! I got it free with some bed pillows I ordered once, and I thought I'd never travel with it... now I never travel without it!!

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