Thinking Going Oz January/Feb 2014 Help

Hi im 20 want to do a year in Oz where is the best place to go I want to work and get around a bit I know i need the visa but how much would u say to take spending money to keep me on my feet while i find a job. Also where is the best place to get flights from?

you need 5000 aus dollars for them to give you a working holiday visa.
the visa itself is about 260 uk pounds. (sorry i dont know where you are from)
5000 aus dollars is 3000 pounds

I'm doing my travel with a company called bunac it might be worth checking out or checking similar companies out =]

Thinking Going Oz January/Feb 2014 Help

Thinking Going Oz January/Feb 2014 Help

Thinking Going Oz January/Feb 2014 Help

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