Hi All,
Have you got a Thai visa?
You get 30 days visa free in Thailand. Over that and it is 500 baht a day fine. It is also an offence is they find you outside of an airport, overstaying a visa.
Of course you can pop out and back by bus for another 15 days, or 30 days by air.
Australia is a BIG place. Over 4 hours by plane one side to the other, and not cheap. Book flights before arriving.
No I don't have a visa - I will be using the free 30 day waiver programme.
If we decide to stay longer, I'll be sure to arrange a visa extension.
I'm well aware of the the sheer scale of Australia, you look on a map and think 'oh that's not far' and before you know it you are sat on a plane for 2 and a half hours!
Welcome to TP Cam - have a fantastic trip and hope to see you around the forums some more.
Hi Cam!
Oh my gosh you really have taken the bull by the horns and just gone for it! I wish you all the best, and I really hope you have a fantastic time, which I'm sure you will!
You're so lucky to be travelling with a friend, and to have friends and family in various parts of the world. Make sure you keep a blog or keep us updated of your travels here - especially for the "world is your oyster" part... it'll be interesting to see where you end up!
I've been wanting to go to Dubai for years, but can't seem to keep money in the travel fun. I hope you bring back lots of photos to share of your trip. I guess my only advice is to make a plan, but don't always stick to it. Of course, you've already been to Dubai so I guess you probably have a good idea of what you want to do.
[ 16-Apr-2014, at 05:27 by DoraPazzo ]

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