Hey all...
Hi Kellie,
I noticed you posted the same comments last year. Mind if I ask what's stopping you from travelling? Maybe we can help allay any concerns you have.
"... Everything is going to be last minute as I want to go in December 2014/January 2015..."
Last minute?
Seriously though, as Ms. Barnes says, what's stopping you?
where do you wanna go in uk? london or what? sounds interesting, whats your fb id?
I will be travelling in australia from October 14 on my own, I plan on working while travelling around and meeting people.
I also have been trying to go travelling for a long time now but things kept getting in the way and it kept getting put off but last year i bit the bullet and booked a one way ticket :-)
Fell free to add me on fb Jodi Stephens if you wanted to talk about your plans or if u needed any advise :-)
It will be last minute in that I will save throughout the year and if I have enough to ensure that I will be covered financially then I will go.
My concern is booking a one way flight and not having the finances to fund me once I'm there. Personal circumstances can change at anytime which would throw my budget plan out the window.
As for not biting the bullet so far, I have had personal things that have cropped up and also there is that nag in the back of my head knowing I will be coming back to nothing once the 2 years were up. It's a huge risk to take which is why I am so skeptical.
I can't look to travel until December anyway as I am currently renting a property and my new lease has only just been renewed for the 12 months. If I can find someone to take over from me for a while, then I will obviously look to go earlier, funds permitted.
Firstly, I presume that you are intending to get a WHV in Australia and in which case you will have the pressures of a job search but nonetheless the capacity to work and financially support yourself.
The idea of 'coming back to nothing' seems a touch fatalistic. Is there any reason you have to return to the UK as soon as your visa ends? You have no way of knowing what will happen while you are travelling and how your situation and attitude may change in 1-2 years. You could just as easily apply for another WHV elsewhere and continue gaining life experiences!
In fact, as Australia only gives a 1 year WHV (with the possibility to extend subject to conditions) and the New Zealand Working Holiday Scheme allows British passport holders to choose 23 months at application, I would suggest thinking about travelling there first. The lifestyle is very similar, the costs are slightly lower, the minimum expected funds for the visa is less (around £2120 vs £2740) and the landscape is equally extraordinary (although obviously different).
Once you've saved some money you could get the Australian WHV and then extend or even go to Canada. At 'almost 27' you have a lot of options open still. It will just take some planning.
I would be looking at applying for the WHV to be able to fund myself whilst in the country.
I appreciate your advise and I guess it all comes down to having the courage to make the jump rather than continuously making excuses to prolong it. 27 is definitely not old and I guess having no life plans (e.g. marriage, kids etc) then I have no restricttions holding me back: Just myself!! I am very family orientated and so the idea of a prolonged period of time away is a struggle for me. I guess being away would result in me missing out on key parts of their lives. But you make your own key points in your life I guess!!
New Zealand would definitely be a brilliant option to take especially if it is better financially to set me up. Are you able to apply for a WHV for Australia or Canada whilst here, or do you need to be back in your own country to be able to do this? Do you recommend sigining up to one of the joining programmes if travelling alone?
Ah, my bad. I have lots of love for family but given the chance I would travel in a heartbeat.
You do not have to be in the UK when you apply for either the Australian or Canadian visa. For Australia, you need to be outside when you apply and when it is granted, and for Canada it is just better to not be there as you have to leave and re-enter for the work permit to be issued anyway.
Personally, I would not sign up to welcome programmes because much of the services included are things you can organise yourself for free. Meeting people is easy: there's always plenty of people on TP in the same position and you'll tend to meet people in hostels as you travel. If one offers a tour of somewhere you want to go then that could provide good value.
HI Kellie,
Thank you so much for all of your advice.
What would be the best approach to take when planning something like this? Obviously I have time on my hand at the moment as I don't intend to go until December, but want guidance on where to start with it all. x

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