Read Tracy Ross's story of GONE GIRL , she tells about the story of Aubrey from US how she disappeared in 2010 in the Langtan National park and her parents searched for her for the last 3 years, getting no help from govn and the army there, the army there is known to be notorious in matters of abusing the solo women trackers and nobody does anytinng about it as the army men have aware read more, since 2010 there have been multiple incidents of physical abuse ,one certain case of a Belgian Debbie Maveau, hiked into the same region, disappeared, and was found 10 days later, decapitated...............No arrests have been made and Aubrey is still missing ,uncertain of what has happened to her....
As you say, you are trying to spread awareness. Lots of tourists vanish each year from big cities to wilderness and are never seen again. Such crimes are hushed up as they ruin the tourist industry.
I think it is getting increasingly unsafe for women to travel alone in some places nowadays.

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