Travel and Human Rights/Animal Welfare/Conservation issues?

Hi, am interested to know if you all take stuff like conservation or human rights or animal welfare issues into consideration when you choose a travel destination?

As in, choosing to boycot them? Or just behaving differently when you're in the country?

I can't say I've ever chosen to not go somewhere for these reasons. Heck, I disagree with enough of my own country's human rights / conservation approaches and I still have to live here! Honestly, I think I'd have a hard time finding enough travel destinations where I do agree with everything happening under their watch.

I would try to uphold my own standards though. Take food scraps for example; at home, these never make it into the bin - they are composted or fed to the chickens. When travelling though, this becomes much, much harder. I prefer to focus on ways to minimise MY rubbish while travelling rather than worry about what the national govt of that country is responsible for. Not to say those concerns aren't valid, just that I prefer to look at my own actions first.

Oh, but I will add -- I would certainly not make any effort to go visit tourist attractions based on animal cruelty. Running of the bulls / bull fighting / cockfights come to mind.

I'm not going to avoid the countries in question or even get into any arguments with locals, but I'm also not going to support the practices by attending.

Hi Peter - I guess you're right, there are always such issues in our resident country as well... but at home I get more involved to try and change things... I would also never attend such tourist attractions that involve animal cruelty as you mentioned... but I cannot keep myself from letting the locals know my opinion when I see such things... I agree there is no need for arguments, but guess a polite strict statement of disagreement might still have an impact on some level.

Hi, am interested to know if you all take stuff like conservation or human rights or animal welfare issues into consideration when you choose a travel destination?

The quick answer is no.

One of the reasons I travel is to see for myself rather than just reading about it.

And would I tell someone in another country what I think of how they are living their lives?


I often travel to kill things (fish mainly) so conscience doesn't enter into my plans at all.

Travel and Human Rights/Animal Welfare/Conservation issues?

Travel and Human Rights/Animal Welfare/Conservation issues?

Travel and Human Rights/Animal Welfare/Conservation issues?

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