Where are you planning on going?
And for how long?
Also I'd love to do Europe but I am leaning more towards the states next year.
Hey Amanda!
Planning a number of places including Rome, Venice, Paris, Munich, Dusseldorf, Vienna, Oslo, Copenhagen then possibly on to Australia, with a view of hitting the states later in the year.
But who knows....
You're an Oz lass, right? That could be handy!
Yup im living in Melb best state!!
Ive been here 2 years kind of getting bored so Im doing a roadie in Oct for a month or two around OZ then going home (NZ) for a month, then most probably off to the States. At this point im not too sure, Europe would be a blast!
[ 29-Mar-2014, at 20:56 by amandah2013 ]

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