Looking to go travelling in late 2015 probably around October or November for 6 months to a year.
i was planning to spend my holidays at the same destinations but i am thinking to travel there in first half of 2015.
Let me know if you can re-schedule your trip.
not really buddy...
have just been to vegas so short on cash at the moment would want to save up quite a bit to go travelling for so long! let me know if you plan going later
Hey I am planning on going to aus in Nov next yr, going on my own first time travelling as well.
Was thinking Melbourne to start off with planning on going for a month if not longer. So if your heading that way always looking for a travel buddy.
was thinking kind of along the same lines.
Will definately be around that time that i set off...keep in touch we could maybe sort something.
What are your plans when over there what are you into?
Yeah defo sort something.
I am going to see the travel agent on sunday this week start getting sorted. Know Melbourne is a certain as always wanted to go, but going to see what other options of other places to go. What they recommend.
I am into music, wouldn't mind doing a parachute jump while over there. Sports, shopping.
yeah sounds good, let us know when you find out!
Hey I'm also going to Aus in October alone and planning on staying for the year working/travelling then probably go and do the same in NZ. Would be good to meet other people doing the same..
When will you guys be out there/have you booked any accommodation yet?
well im Vikkie, im 22 and am taking a career break, i just did 2weeks in Thailand for new year but that wasnt long enough...
so on the 27th December 2015 i fly back to bangkok until 22nd January then i fly out to Sydney and plan to work/travel for a year over there....
anybody going around these dates?? friendly people would come handy.
facebook... Vikkie Brown
mob...07549230328 text.
[ 23-Feb-2015, at 06:34 by vikkiebrown92 ]

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