Hi Everyone!
Hey Perry! I would love to do exactly the same. Although I wouldn't be able to go until September ? are you definitely looking at going in March? I really want to go to Australia but all my friends are committed with boyfriends and jobs etc so looks like I'll have to find a Travel buddy or brave it and go it alone!
Hey Jade,
Thanks for the reply I know what you mean about close friends being commited with careers, reltionships and such, it's tough. Unfortunatly I'm quitting my job and will be going in March/April I'm sure you will find someone in september, but I'll message you my facebook or something so if you end up coming to Aus in september we could mabye hang out :D
Yes definitely! Sounds good. Hope you have a great time ? and I'm sure you'll meet loads of people on your travels!
Il be flying out to Sydney about mid April
Going on a whv and hoping to work my way up the east coast to begin with. x
===Surprise mother fucker!===
We haven't dropped out you bell sniff. I said we're going to Cyprus first then Australia a month or two later, about July or August which is when we were going to go anyway. Which is why I wanted you to come round so we could sort it all out .
Any body going to the USA ? i will be glad to meet decent ladies on their way to the USA or Canada
Ill be in Sydney early November til the new year! Wanna travel via camper van up the coast towards cairns along the gold coast hopefully with. A few other people we meet a long the way who want to too
Hey guys,
Still looking for compadre's for End of March/Start of April
around Cairns/Brisbane
Shout out :D
I live in Cyprus at the moment, and have pretty much the exact same plan as you! Starting in Brisbane in June but am really flexible on where to go/what to do/when to do it! If you're still on the coast in June either Cairns or Brisbane maybe we could team up. I'm a bit weary about going on my own to start with!

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