Hi, my girlfriend and I are in the process of planning a trip to try and cover as much as Europe as possible. We are going to buy a small van in England to travel around in. We aren't really tied down to a time limit and have a decent amount saved. My worry is where to leave the van when it is not needed. Would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me out with any advice they may have. Anything to do with parking for the day/ overnight near major cities. Also any advice on where to pull up for the night and if its safe to do so. Thanks very much if you can help
My worry is where to leave the van when it is not needed. Would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me out with any advice they may have. Anything to do with parking for the day/ overnight near major cities. Also any advice on where to pull up for the night and if its safe to do so.
I feel like this very much depends on where you're going. Do you have a rough itinerary at all that people can help with?
The plan is to head over to Belgium, on to the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and then through Scandinavia. Work our way back down then through Estonia, heading over towards central and southern Europe. No real time scale and would love to cover as much as we can
Hey guys not sure wether you will have gone or not by now, me and my boyfriend are doing the exact same thing. We have just done France, I'd advise you to get this camper stop book we have, every site we have stayed in we never had any problems and most of the time we were sharing them with other moterhomes(safety in numbers)
Hey, we are leaving in 5 weeks time. That's class, what route are you planning? Where can I get this book from? what is it called? how are you finding it so far?
Ah this is your other post haha we just got a secondhand one from amazon it's called moterhome guide, camper stop Europe we have the 2014 edition but there might be a new one now although all the sites we visited were still there.
We travelled the whole of the French Northern Coast before one day we woke up with ice on the inside back window so were back home now insulating van then heading to Spain at end of May to do Portugal,Spain, Italy then Germany an Belgium. I'd honestly say don't have too much of a plan we just went to places that we saw in that book and they were beautiful. The good thing about Europe too is about 80% of these camper stops are free
We absolutely loved it can't wait to go back. What van are you travelling in?
Thank you, will have a look at buying that book now then, seems like it will be useful. Awesome, sounds a good route. We are open to going anywhere really, but am keen to go to Scandinavia, think it would be beautiful. We have a Citroen Dispatch, kitted the back out to put a bed in there with storage underneath. How about yourself? Any other advice you have at all?
Will we be okay staying at these camper stop overs because we haven't got a proper camper van?
Yeah honestly it really did help us just feel safe more than anything rather then parking up somewhere in an area we weren't sure about.
Yeah that would be great, I think everyone's journey is different.
We have a 30year old t25 campervan and we were always outnumbered by moterhomes haha a lot of the sites aren't owned by anyone so they are free with a toilet disposal point and water. You don't really need a proper camper. Has your van got a gas hob? We cooked all our food in van, if so I'd take campingaz with you. I'd advise you to take a porta potty too as public toilets are far and few between. Warm clothes and lots of quilts and sleeping bags, our van got freezing some nights. You will Euro light stickers on your front headlights too and the countries regulations with you like high vis jacket, warning triangles etc if you do some research on this you can find out what you need for each country.
Definitely going to purchase that book, just worried we may got turned away as we do not have our own toilet. Literally just a van with a bed effectively! Do you think it'll be an issue? Worth a try anyway I guess. Yeah we have a campingaz, aslo have the light stickers, high vis, triangle etc. Have been researching for ages now, am more than ready to get going now haha. Bet you are too! Really appreciate all your help and advice, thank you

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