Urgent jetlag tips and advises needed !!!

hi guys this gonna be my first trans- atlanic flight and I am a bit nervous because I have a weeding to catch next day.

Based on experience, I never had a jetlag when flying to the west.
Basically it is justed one very long day because when you land in the US (I think US, haven't read it) it's already evening in Turkey.
Just stay up after you have landed, relax a bit (but don't sleep!!) and go to bed early (but not too early!). After 12 hours of sleep you feel like reborn
Also, prevent the standard stuff like mentioned always: cafeine and alcohol. Just drink water and juices and go for a short walk in the plane as well.

On the way back, you will probably have a jetlag though, but there really is nothing much you can do, apart from hoping you are the type of person who can sleep anytime anyplace anywhere


O, a note: this should be removed to General Talk.
removed to General Talk the same minute I added the above note

[ 16-Sep-2009, at 04:08 by Utrecht ]

Based on experience, I never had a jetlag when flying to the west.
Basically it is justed one very long day because when you land in the US (I think US, haven't read it) it's already evening in Turkey.
Just stay up after you have landed, relax a bit (but don't sleep!!) and go to bed early (but not too early!). After 12 hours of sleep you feel like reborn
Also, prevent the standard stuff like mentioned always: cafeine and alcohol. Just drink water and juices and go for a short walk in the plane as well.

On the way back, you will probably have a jetlag though, but there really is nothing much you can do, apart from hoping you are the type of person who can sleep anytime anyplace anywhere


O, a note: this should be removed to General Talk.
removed to General Talk the same minute I added the above note

thank you for all info. I ll try to sleep in return flight flight becuse it is araound 9.00 pm local time.

And sorry for the mis -location mass that I caused. I couldnt differ general talk from off topic at that moment. but surely general talks sounds more rational for such a travelling subject.

Based on experience, I never had a jetlag when flying to the west.
Basically it is justed one very long day because when you land in the US (I think US, haven't read it) it's already evening in Turkey.
Just stay up after you have landed, relax a bit (but don't sleep!!) and go to bed early (but not too early!). After 12 hours of sleep you feel like reborn
Also, prevent the standard stuff like mentioned always: cafeine and alcohol. Just drink water and juices and go for a short walk in the plane as well.

On the way back, you will probably have a jetlag though, but there really is nothing much you can do, apart from hoping you are the type of person who can sleep anytime anyplace anywhere


O, a note: this should be removed to General Talk.
removed to General Talk the same minute I added the above note

thank you for all info. I ll try to sleep in return flight flight becuse it is araound 9.00 pm local time.

And sorry for the mis -location mass that I caused. I couldnt differ general talk from off topic at that moment. but surely general talks sounds more rational for such a travelling subject.

You are welcome and no worries: a capable moderator will move this kinda stuff quite fast in general
Have fun at the other side of the big water

And sorry for the mis -location mass that I caused. I couldnt differ general talk from off topic at that moment. but surely general talks sounds more rational for such a travelling subject.

No need to apologize! Over time you will come to find Off Topic is TP's playground, so to speak. Topics don't have to be travel-related and members use that forum to "socialize" a bit more. General Talk is designed for travel-related threads that don't fall under a specific destination or other forum category. It's the perfect place for this thread and you will receive more (and more serious) replies here than if it stayed in Off Topic.

Sorry Michael! I was a quick little bunny this morning. Didn't mean to move the thread while you were in mid-reply.

Isa now returns this thread to it's regularly scheduled topic of jetlag and weddings.

On your first full day in the USA (Suinday) you are very likely to wake up very early. Certainly way before 10 a.m.! And jetlag when travelling from east to west will usually result in you getting very tired and sleepy early evening for the first couple of days. Your challenge will be to stay up after 6 p.m. or so for those first couple of days.

No matter which direction you're travelling in, all you need is sleep on board and an alarm clock. 20 hours one way is no different to 20 hours in the other direction. A few swigs of a pharmacy sedative (Night Nurse etc.) an hour before you get on board and you'll be gagging to sleep as soon as you hit the seat. Wake up 4-5 hours later, have a drink of something without caffeine and then doze off again. A couple of hours sleep at your destination, regardless of whether it's 3 in the morning or afternoon and you'll be ready to party. Jet-lag is caused by not controlling your sleep pattern, nothing else whatsoever. So as long as you get some sleep when you don't really need it, you'll adjust your pattern in just a few hours, maximum.

Like Utrecht mentions, the body deals better with longer days than shorter ones--so flying west works in your favour. When you land, stay up until your normal bedtime. If you nap before you may not be able to sleep that first night. And in the end, you'll be so revved up for the wedding and running on adrenaline that I'm sure you'll be fine Sunday. Monday, though...

thank you guys the things you wrote are all helpfull.

I have to agree that coming from east to west , the jetlag won't be as bad as if you are going west to east.
I got introduced to homepathic medication from New Zealand called " no jetlag" ,
I used it for the past couple of years when I travel long haul and it helped me big time.

I'm not sure if it's available where you are, but you can always google it .

Urgent jetlag tips and advises needed !!!

Urgent jetlag tips and advises needed !!!

Urgent jetlag tips and advises needed !!!

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