Hiya, I am seeking a companion to join me backpacking around australia for 3-6 months in July 2010. I am 22, female, outgoing and worried about doing this alone. If anyone fancies it drop me a line.
The plan would be to start off in Perth. I am open to suggestions after this.
Hello Hello
I live in Perth if this can be of any help to you would love to help, and just drop me a line and go from there other wise all the best with your travels
You'll be joining about 250,000 backpackers who are cruising or working their way around this country most of the year. There are plenty of places to connect with others while you rail, tour, sail, fly, or self drive you way around. Arriving near mid winter, I suggest you tour northern Australia first as the summer heat, humidity, and wet season around Christmas can be uncomfortable in the tropics. There's about 30,000 K's of coastline and 7,000 beaches to explore and many backpacker, youth hostels, camp sites, motels, hotels for a break. Good luck.
Hi Emma,
I'm 21 and from Devon, England. Have you booked your flights yet? I'm all set to go to Thailand June 2010... will probably only spend 1 month there as I will most likely be going alone (loooonng story lol) and that is scaring the life outta me.
I'm then off to Oz in august/ september time (will know in march when I book the rest of my dates up)
Where are you from?
Yasmin X x
Oh btw my first flight into Oz is to Perth :-)
I'm heading out to Oz in September, my plan so far is to start out in Sydney then head up the east coast from there (although I can be flexible with this). I really dont fancy doing this on my own so it'd be great to meet another traveler like myself! If you fancy meeting up then drop me a line,
I am flying Glasgow to Perth on 6th July 2010. Starting my trip with a 2 week volunteer placement in Perth on 9th July. Unfortunately I'm only going for 5 weeks :-(
After Perth I hope to head North and then down the East Coast, flying home from Melbourne on the 10th August. I'm a 27 yr old female travelling alone. Give me a shout if you fancy some advice or company. I have never been before but my friend has loads of great advice so I'll be happy to share!

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