mtjules has indicated that this thread is about Australia
not to sure about Nimbin , but you should definitely stop at Byron Bay.
I also love Agnes Waters/Town of 1770, south of Gladstone. It's still a nice relaxed place with an awesome beach. Fraser Island, the world's largest sand island, has great sand dunes and lakes, but you need a 4WD or go on a tour. Then maybe have a look at the Sunshine Coast Hinterland with the Glashouse Mountains. Depending on what you like stop somewhere along the Gold Coast, there are party places like Surfers or the more relaxed places further down the coast. If you like National Parks, I just love the Gold Coast Hinterland with Springbrook and Lamington National Parks. Well, and then it's not far away to Byron
All of the above but also include Byron Bay, Ballina a nd all the little coastal towns on the way south!!
Not sure about adventure, but Noosa is nice.
Surfers' Paradise?
Definitely Byron Bay.

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