Hi everyone,
Worst Case Scenerio: I come home after 90 days but with the experience of working and living in a different city/country and some valuable life experience.
Best Case Scenerio: Whilst in America i manage to find a full time job that will sponsor me to stay (that or a wife .Idea's, thoughts?
Cheers all
Another scenario would be you running into the group in every big city that for a price will get you any kind of identification papers you want,Passports,Visas,green cards,citizenship cards,birth certificates.You could literally become a whole new person.
Another worst case scenario: U.S. Immigration finds out and you're banned from entering the USA. For a LONG time. Not unheard of.
Bring money. All the cities you listed are quite expensive compared to many other US cities. Because of the economic downturn, plenty of citizens are trying to find work. Any work. Then there are the huge numbers of illegals here looking for work. Right now we have too many workers chasing too few jobs. Your chances of finding employment are not good. Bring enough money for your 6 month stay is my best advice.
If you are coming here to work dont say anything to the customs officials about your intentions to work unless you have a work visa ,as they get real funny about that topic and can refuse you entry if they think you are going to work illegally/.

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