Hi guys I'm planning to make a backpacking trip up from Singapore to Canada overland. However, I have not ventured out out SEA other than to China.
Oh yes and if you could possibly include your thoughts on the rough cost of each day per coutry or region, I'd greatly appreciate it!
There is only one route overland, and it's across the Bering Strait
Otherwise, you will need a flight or a cargo ship. So what exactly do you mean?
Hey Utrecht
Frankly speaking, I have no idea what the Bering Strait is Could you enlighten me? Sounds like it's over sea. Oh yes I forgot that it's not possible to get to Canada completely overland.
From where to where does this strait start and end? How do I cross it? Which is cheaper - crossing this strait on a cargo ship or flying from where ever it begins? Where do I go after I've crossed it? How do I get there from Singapore and well you get the idea:P
Thanks loads
No problem nng.
Bering Strait is in the northeast of Russia, dividing Russia from Alaska. It's the water that is in between Asia and North America, frozen in winter and would be a very adventurous, if not impossible option in winter.
But I guess best you can do is to find the cheapest flight directly to Canada, as you only have about 6 weeks and you want to spend most of your time in Canada anyway.
It is not the best time though to visit Canada, still relatively cold in most parts.
Hi Nng,
I am thinking of a driving trip from Singapore to Russia on my Nissan Latio sometime next year.
Your date of travel looks really promising enough.
However, my goal is to travel to Russia n back to Singapore again and i would not be having Canada in my plans. Basically it would consist of driving through Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, China and Russia before returning back.
Nevertheless, i might be considering to conjure up this idea of joining u along by driving with you til i reach the Bearing Straits in Russia n then bading farewell to you before I turn around n drive back to Singapore. So far, what restricts me is the neccessary travel documents n restrictions which i don't have a clue about

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