Hi everyone,
Jusy wondered if any experienced travellers could give me a bit of advice....I'm leaving for Aus at the beginning of Feb and planning to do the East coast from Cairns to Melbourne before heading over to NZ and then Fiji.
I was originally thinking of 6 weeks for Aus, 4 for NZ and 10 days for Fiji but now having second thoughts. I'm on a tight budget so i'm wondering if 6 weeks is a bit long for East coast? Would i still be able to see a lot in 4 weeks? or do you think i should leave it at 6 weeks and not go to Fiji?
Also, most people i've spoken to have recommended £1000 a month to live comfortably, is this right?
From Cairns to Melbourne is approx 4000kms. There is lots to see and do in the Cairns region and also in the Whitsundays{Airlie Beach}. Once past this area you really should head for the Sunshine Coast north of Brisbane and then Brisbane itself. On to the Gold Coast, down to Byron bay and then down the coast to Sydney and Melbourne.
Being a resident of Australia, i would recommend you do spend 6 weeks doing this and maybe cut down your time in FIGI.
Hope this helps.
It's a long trip from Cairns to Melbourne so if you're driving I'd look at spending the whole 6 weeks doing it, otherwise you could fly parts of it and condense it into 4 weeks. There's a lot to see in Queensland, although it will depend on the wet season and when it arrives.
From Cairns to Melbourne is approx 4000kms.
The driving distance from Cairns to Melbourne is under 3,000kms, about 1,700 miles. Along the coast road with shared driving, you can do the trip in about 3 days.. Easy. Not that you'd want to rush such an awesome journey though.
Just so much to see en-route. You'll still see more than plenty in just 3 weeks. Most of what's in Australia is on the coast. Not all, but most.
£1,000 a month, just over £30 a day. That really won't be much fun once you've paid for a bed. You're going to be left with barely shrapnel.
Definately spend a bit of time in Fiji. It only needs a week. You'll see beaches that can't be matched anywhere else on earth and it's a stunningly beautiful island. It's only about a 3 hour flight from Brisbane to Nadi and Qantas do fares real cheap. I'd spend less time in Oz and find the time for a week on Fiji, any day.
Thanks a lot for these, it's good to get different opinions! x

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