Hey there,
Two questions regarding my message center:
1. Is it possible to have an extra box to keep pms instead of the usual inbox and sent messages?
2. Is it possible to have a sort of out of office (out of TP of course) automatic reply when someone is on holiday and is not able to answer within short notice.
I'm not sure I understand the first request. All you get should be PM's? Or do you just want a place/folder to keep certain PM's (for whatever reason) vs the others?
I've been thinking about the second a bit of late. Perhaps have a status field, which when set to travelling holds off on email notifications and bounces back something to the sender (or at least clearly lets them know the person they are messaging is away before they send it?).
It would require a bit of rejigging, but the whole 'updating status' thing does seem to be all the rage And it would solve this problem.
Thanks Sam, some good alternative regarding question 2.
Regarding question 1: yes, that is what I ment. An extra folder to keep certain ones regarding travelling or TP, so that my inbox is alway empty
You are like me then, you like a clean inbox!
I'd quite like the folders option too; with my email I only leave messages in the inbox that I haven't replied to as it stops it becoming so cluttered, so it would be nice to have this option with TP too.
I like the idea of a status field. Aswell as being useful for people sending messages, it's also interesting to know where in the world people are on their travels.
I'm all for the folders option, makes it easier to keep the inbox clean and neat.
A status field would be fun too.

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