Dear All
Hi Jackal
I was travelling in Africa overland for over 8 months but by local means of transport. Actually all countries I visited are worth to be seen. But it all depends of how much time do you have and what interests you the most. Feel free to ask as much questions as you like.
You really only have two choices...east or west. for all kinds of overland information, go to the to check out blogs with detailed route information for the whole continent.
Hi Jackal
I would reccomend the West coast route starting from Morocco down to Capetown. This way you get to experience North, West, Central and Southern African culture on your way down, all of which are hugely varied. I have travelled this route and found I got a lot more out of it than people I have spoken to who went East Coast as the landscape, culture, and locals are so dramatically different from country to country.
It will take a lot of planning and research if you are thinking of doing it alone especially when it comes to going through troublesome countries like the Congo etc. I am from Africa and seeing what I do on a daily basis I wasn't prepared to do it alone (plus the fact that I'm a girl!!) and chose to go with Oasis Overland. It was expensive but sharing the experience with others and getting through relatively hassle free was invaluable.
Either way, I definately reccommend West Coast if you want to experience the diversity of Africa and get as much out of it as possible.
Lucky you!
Hi Jackal,
I am doing this as well and starting my trip on 6 December. It really depends on what you are looking for. The west coast is mostly dry desert or semi-desert conditions so a west coast trip will be more about the culture and the people. While the east coast is mostly lush and green and will be better if you want to do a lot of game viewing.
Personally I couldn't decide which one was going to be better so I decided to do both
hey Jackal,
I also saw both, the dry or semi dry west and the green east. Both sides are nice for game viewing, (like Etoscha in Namibia but also the Parks in East e.g in Tanzania the Serengeti or Zambia in the central. I went 3 times overlanding with a company called Nomad ( I made my internship there 3 years ago and I always go with them whenever I'm in Africa... I highly recommend them, gr8 groups, nice itineraries, good trucks, guides are also super cookers and fun fun fun...

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