me my partner and our baby daughter are looking to go to morocco in january, we want to stay in essouira and need cheap accomodation, as we have a baby we would like to have acsess to a kitchen and dont have a huge budget, please help!! i cant seem to find anything online!
it u want chang your mind about essaouira i could help easily
if incist i could ask friends there
i had been once in Essaouira and i can tell that it's very touristic area so that hotels are quite expensive as well, i had stayed in hotel Sahara, you can try it but the best solution is to rent an apartment for 300 to 350 MAD for a day and then you'll have a kitchen, living room and your own bedroom.
if you'll change your mind then i can help more too.
greetings and good enjoyable trip.
peace & hugs

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