Hi, my name is Josiah, I'm 19 years old and I'm looking at going to Australia for hopefully a year on a working holiday visa. I've been looking at a couple different travel agencies but I'm wary of giving my money to one unless I know for sure they'll deliver. If y'all could suggest one to me or maybe give me some tips on going in my own it would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Josiah,
When are you looking of going?
I'm going in May and am looking to use the Oz experience bus most likely - http://www.ozexperience.com/ I've heard good things, and you can hop on and off the bus as you please, plus they'll be loads of single travellers.
What other agents have you looked at?
L x
Hey Lauren,
I was wanting to go in either September or October, but I may run out of work a couple of months earlier so I may end up going in August. It all depends on how the work situation holds up.
I was looking at doing Ultimate Oz with the outback ranch add on.
I'll look into the bus thing, though and see what I think about it!
Thanks for the I do and keep in touch and let me know how it goes
I plan to get grafting on the Melbourne bars over the winter save up and party then use my money to see the rest of the Country. !!
Lauren I read your profile sounds like you have a great little plan hope it all goes well!!
Hey Lauren,
I was wanting to go in either September or October, but I may run out of work a couple of months earlier so I may end up going in August. It all depends on how the work situation holds up.
I was looking at doing Ultimate Oz with the outback ranch add on.
I'll look into the bus thing, though and see what I think about it!
Thanks for the I do and keep in touch and let me know how it goes
I haven't checked out the Oz outback ranch? Talk to me... What's it all about?! 100% stay in touch - Where are you from?
Rikki your plan actually sounds a lot more sensible then mine to be fair - I should probably look at doing the same! My friend is a chef in Melbourne so I might see if he can get me a waitress job for a few months. We'll also have to stay in touch. Maybe you can give me some of your wisdom?
L x
Hey Lauren!
Sorry I thought I'd already replied but apparently it didn't go through for some reason..
First off I'm from Texas but I'm Canadian by birth.
How about yourself, where are you from?
The ranch experience involves a week in Sydney doing more touristy stuff including sand surfing, a dolphin cruise, etc.
The ranch aspect of it is a 5 day period spent on a ranch learning the basic skills needed to work in agriculture. Skills such as working with cattle and horses, operating farm tractors, repairing and putting up fences, that sort of thing.
First abroad seems to have some great programs such as the one I've mentioned and many others as well.
You can check them out at firstabroad.com
I guess these outfits have some value, but to who I don't know. They supply things you can easily get by yourself and for a fraction of the cost if not free. If you want farm experience take a look at It's a website that lists hundreds, thousands of places you can stay for free with meals included in return for about 4 hours work. You'll be working for family's that live in the area and can possibly help you find payed work too. And getting around the country is much more fun with which has a specific rideshare section with people offering and looking to hook up with others for rides all over the country. good luck and have fun.
[ 10-Jan-2015, at 08:54 by Dodger ]
Hi Josh & Lauren,
I'm going to going to Australia in September and plan to travel the east coast first before finding work and deciding on a city to stay in. (I don't have a set plan yet though, I need to do more research!) Are you both going alone also?
Hi Guys
I am leaving for OZ around end of may beginning of June as a solo traveller, would be great if I could find a travel buddy. I will be travelling up the east cost, as of yet don't have any set plans.
Hey Jodie and Jay,
I will be going alone,and I'll be arriving in Brisbane and from there I plan on finding work ona rural ranch somewhere for a couple months before doing a bit more touring around. How long are y'all planning on staying?

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