Travel Buddies Wanted - Backpacking Australia 2015

I'm planning a full year travelling something like Melbourne > Sydney > Brisbane > Cairns or possibly the latter first and work my way down. (I'm pretty flexible with dates haven't booked any flights yet) my working holiday visa expires in October though so it will need to be before then.

Hey mate!
I've just been approved my WHV also and am now in the planning stages of getting to Aus. My sis lives in Melbourne so I was thinking of starting there and venturing North after a little while. Was also thinking of stopping off somewhere like Sri Lanka or the Philippines too along the way (but i have been to Singapore before and I definitely recommend it). Am kind of planning to leave the UK around February time as even though I've only been back for a week since my last trip, I can't wait to get going again!
You seem to know a decent amount about the WHV so would be cool to exchange ideas or whatever. Lemmi know mate!

Nice one, I never actually thought about Sri Lanka or Philiipines. I've hardly been anywhere outside of Europe so I'm open to new ideas. Had a look on sky scanner and flights seem to be the same price for most routes, don't know if there's a specific airline that's cheaper?

Anyways add me on Facebook bro
"David Woodhouse"
(Cover photo is a picture I took in Amsterdam)

Hey guys, I fly out from London on 8th Feb and land in Melbourne in the 10th.

Going to spend first week or so sorting out the boring stuff like bank, tax file, sim card etc.

Then will see how things go, maybe do a bit of exploring for first month or so in a car/camper before getting the farm work out of the way for 2nd visa.

Drop me a message if anyone wants to chat.


[ 11-Dec-2014, at 05:59 by RawrrAtMe ]

Sorry mate - there's like 1000 David Woodhouses on FaceyB - can't find ya. Will be easier if you add me:

But yeah, I've not really got a set plan, just thought the Philippines or SL sounded kinda cool. Good time of yeah to go to anywhere in that area to be fair.

You're welcome to add me as well, Liam - I'll be getting there a little after you most likely but always good to know people! I also would like to do some farm work at some point; there's also a lot of farms to choose from!! :D

Cool bro I added you, Liam add me too man I was talking to my tattoo artist last night and he knows some people in Melbourne sounds awesome from what I've heard.

I downloaded the real estate app for Australia it's like the equivalent of right move. I'm looking to get a pad the best ones are 2+ bedrooms roughly $400-$500 a week but that's like £200 (£100 each) so £400 each a month. The wages are pretty high minimum wage is $16 I think so if any of you guys fancy chipping in that'd be cool. I'm planning on staying in a hostel first though until I find my feet and get regular work.

Hoping to stay in Melbourne for 3months then move onto Sydney. That might change though depending on the job situation.

Alright guys I'm flyin out of manchester on 28th jan but I'm going to gold Coast first to chill out then I think I'm going to melbourne

Nice one Tom feel free to hit us up, I'm hoping to work my way up to that area so would be good to find out how it goes. We should have some insight into Melbourne by then too.

I'm setting up a group for this if anyone wants in just add me on Facebook

The more the merrier and gives us more options for jobs, transport, accommodation etc.

Hey guys...

Travelling to Melbourne early May and stopping off in LA for a week or 2 (completely doing my stop off the wrong way).

Planning on heading up the East Coast to chase the heat until it starts getting a bit warmer.

Would be good to meet some pals along the way who enjoy jaeger bombs and singing round a fire.

L x

Travel Buddies Wanted - Backpacking Australia 2015

Travel Buddies Wanted - Backpacking Australia 2015

Travel Buddies Wanted - Backpacking Australia 2015

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