Looking for someone to hitchhike USA with this summer.

realmacfan has indicated that this thread is about USA

Hey we are looking to hitch hike and drive across north america from Washington to Miami and are looking for people to hire a car with!? from may to july but we want to do some hitch hiking/backpacking buses and all that too

Congratulations on your decision to travel after graduation. I'd check out each state you plan on hitching through and be sure they don't have any laws against it. It would be a bummer to get hassled or arrested.

Even though the west coast is beautiful, you'll get a lot of the same kind of "west coast attitude" or same kind of people. You know, open minded, live and let live, you'll also tend to meet more well traveled people out there. I'm not saying any of this as a bad thing I prefer living on the west coast. I'm just saying for a more expansive/eye opening/revelation type of a trip you might want to think about a northern route. I wouldn't say I-80 because driving/hitching through most of Nevada, Kansas and Nebraska - there's a whole lot of nothing to look at...or do. The majority of the population lives east of the Mississippi so there is just more to do and see.

Maybe consider I-90 and cutting down south around Chicago and do a return trip on the southern route through Texas etc...and back up the pacific coast.

Traveling should open your mind by seeing things and meeting people you wouldn't ordinarily meet. People along the west coast are similar in attitude and taste and as I mentioned more well traveled. You should go some place where you might meet some people that can give you new ideas or perspectives. Unfortunately the U.S. is quite homogenized so you'll get a lot of the same no matter where you go but traveling in the southern states could be fun for you, especially the more rural areas. You might meet people who have never been out of there own state or even county...forget about meeting someone who's been out of the country - or owns a passport.

If you don't have a passport you should get one. And just hitching across the U.S. for the summer? If your planning on returning home after the trip, getting a job, do the 9-5 thing for the next (X) years, I would suggest (obtaining a passport) take a year off before returning. Do the hitching across the U.S. thing but then once your on the east coast, catch a flight for Europe or Africa or Asia, Australia, New Zealand any or all of those places would be a good place to start or finish your year off.

In Europe if your under 30 you can get a WHV or Working Holiday Visa and get a job busting tables or picking fruit etc...make a little cash along the way. You'll meet way more people this way. Hell, you're only young once. It'll be fun.

Mark Twain said "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness".

Give it a try if you can. If not now, do the U.S. thing this summer and try to work in more travel later before family/work/ to much life responsibilities make it harder to do.


Looking for someone to hitchhike USA with this summer.

Looking for someone to hitchhike USA with this summer.

Looking for someone to hitchhike USA with this summer.

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