It depends on what sort of job you want and where you want to work. It'll be fruit-picking season soon but that'll be in the country - they're usually short there. There are often jobs in bars and cafes in Auckland all year round but accommodation is more expensive in Auckland. For an idea of what's available now, type in the job you want or where you want to be in or . Good luck!
My boyfriend and I have been here two weeks and I think he already has a job ... but he's a welder :p
Seems to be a lot of fruit picking, thinning and such, and then bar jobs. But there are a lot of places that want free labor as well. Try looking up PickNZ for the regions and types of produce for picking jobs as well. Best of luck!
We actually found it easier to get work in NZ than Aus, perhaps it could've been the time of year, we looked for work at the beginning of summer.
If you're not fussy you could easily find work in hotel housekeeping, fruit picking and restaurants etc
I agree with #4 - NZ jobs were easier to get for me - but I was in the same situation... arrive NZ beginning of summer. Arrived OZ end of summer.
Hope that helps!

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