I have holiday insurance for a year, but will be away from home longer than that! Can i re insure myself without being in my home country (UK)? I will be in Australia at the time i need to renew!
Most regular travel insurance only covers you for periods of up to three (sometimes six) months of travel within a year, and wouldn't be suitable for such a trip. There's special backpacker insurance policies which do, and which you should be able to extend once per year from wherever in the world you are, up to a maximum of three years.
If this indeed applies to the particular insurance policy you're holding probably isn't something we can tell you here; you'll have to read the policy's terms & conditions, or call your insurance company to ask.
I was able to extend my year-long backpackers' policy over the phone while I was still away; I don't see it being a problem but like Sander says, check the terms and conditions to be sure.
Cheers Guys x
Get travel insurance.

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