Please chk my travel plan and give ur feedback

Hi Guys.

You don't say how long you will be away or where you are coming from. Or when you will be away. May - June isn't bad but go into July and August and you hit the holidays / school holidays when prices go right up, not much accommodation and there are crowds everywhere. It can also be VERY hot then in places like Greece (40-50.C with fires).

The mistake people make with itineraries like this is that they try to do too much. Distances are great and there are cheap airlines which can be booked in internet cafes rather than spending days on trains. You can also book next day accommodation in internet cafes rather than just turning up and doing the rounds before you find somewhere not over expensive.

Italy and Greece are close to each other and you don't want to double back over a thousand miles from Belgium to Greece. France into Italy is good. You can often buy tickets to places online before getting there which saves queuing up at the Uffizi gallery in Florence, the leaning tower in Pisa, etc. The Vatican is another place that has nightmare queues if you do not have a ticket.

I would not go to Lourdes. It is extremely tacky with lots of cheapo souvenirs, with lots of sick people who go there in the hope of a miracle and either go home to die or die in a hospital there. Italy alone you could spend a month in. Don't forget Pompeii. If you live in the UK, you can do Paris, Belgium, Amsterdam and Germany on long weekends with Ryanair or some other carrier. Not a lot in Rotterdam as I remember (It's a port city).

You could pop into Monaco while at Nice. I stayed overnight at nearby Menton which is a lot cheaper than Monaco. San Remo is not so easy to reach.

Switzerland, home of money laundering and Nazi gold I do not like. Austria isn't bad. Are you getting a European rail pass?

You will need lots and lots of money. Take / get some credit cards, even if you don't use them. Beware of petty theft all around Europe but especially at tourist spots. While you are looking at the sites, a little boy is picking your pocket. Divide money up so that if worse comes to worse, you don't lose everything. Take emergency numbers and a photocopy of your passport details page.

Hi...thanks for the reply...ur views are very helpful...i am thinking of taking busabout north and south loops and saving some money on accommodation by couch surfing...will certainly think about skipping Lourdes...will keep updating see how it works the moment thing of doing it in the most budget any ideas??

Please chk my travel plan and give ur feedback

Please chk my travel plan and give ur feedback

Please chk my travel plan and give ur feedback

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