My name is Lucy I’m 23 and from Middlesex, I’m looking to go travelling in 2011 so I have enough time to save and sort out visa’s etc. I’m looking to go to as many places as possible! seen as this is a once in a life time opportunity I want to make the most of it.
hey, i leave in november on my own on first attempt at traveling,so may be november is to soon for you,you could always catch up with me further down the road though, in the meetime,have a loon the companions bit,iv just read a lads post who is looking to do something similar to you in 2011,hope thats helped a little,
im 23 m liverpool btw xx
Hi to both of you!
I'm planning an RTW trip for 2010-2011... By November I hope to be backpacking Eastern Europe before heading into the Middle East.
I don't know if either of you would be interested in meeting up at some point or travelling together but I'm pretty open-minded. I'm a 17 yr old Canadian female... if either of you are interested feel free to msg me and maybe we can swap ideas.
hey dream,just want to say that canada is by far the best country i have been,loved it lol
im traveling alone so i wouldnt mind meeting up with a few people along the way.
send me a message on her if you want x
Hi, my name is Victor...Im 23 years old, and currently living in Amsterdam.
I am also planning to travel between 6 months and 1 year in 2011.
It is very difficult to find somebody who wants that, have the time and the this is a good place to find that person.
I would like to save money until summer 2011...then, go to Spain to spend the summer with friends & family...and in september...go travelling!
I was thinking of the following Idea, but of course will depend on the people who wants to join:
- Egypt (less than a month)
- India (less than a month)
- Australia (around 4 months)
- SE Asia (around 3 months)
My idea is not to do it alone, so I am open to change the plan, dates...

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