Traveling to South East Asia May to July 2010

I will be traveling to this region particularly, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam from beginning of May to beginning of July and will be do it solo. Any fellow travelers going to be out there and looking for a travel bud?

Bring a rain jacket. You will be in rainy season in most of those countries. Visa are all pretty easy. HK, Thailand, Malaysia all issue free visas on arrival. Laos & Cambodia will sell you a visa on arrival. VN is the only exception. You need to buy a VN visa before you arrive at their border. Cambodia the fastest, cheapest country to obtain your VN visa. There is a 'visa on arrival system' set up for those flying into VN. I talk about it in my .

I doubt you will be solo very long. There are so many backpackers bumping around SEA that you will meet up with someone that is going the same way you are. If you are the least bit outgoing, you will have someone to travel with if you so choose. Good luck with your planning.

Yea I am not too worried about meeting people and am very outgoing however I simply have never done a trip like this before so I am curious.

How much rain are we talking? Will this entirely hamper my experience or what? I intend on spending time on beaches as well Koh Tao, Phi Phi, Phanem Phang. Are there potential for entire days to be rained out? I heard it only rains really hard for 2 hours or so and then hot and dry within a short period of time. Whats your take on this.

Yes, it generally rains only a few hours per day June-August. Or it could rain non stop all day on occasion. Only a fool predicts the weather months away. Be prepared and flexible with your itinerary. Perhaps Koh Samui is getting drenched, but Phuket is OK. Or the opposite. I would be ready to change plans if the weather is better somewhere else.

I don't think you'll find many downs to solo travel - it really frees you to do whatever the hell you want to do whenever you want to do it. The best advice I can give is to talk to the locals and stay in the less expensive guest houses. I've only been in Thailand and Vietnam, but I tend to get along with the poorer folks and feel more at home in a simpler atmosphere. (I like it more in Vietnam than Thailand - no Vietnam is not as beautiful or trouble-free). Just use common sense - there are plenty of scams out there to rob you of as much as they can get. Travel lightly and you will have the time of your life. Don't over-plan an itinerary - just do plenty of research.

(A good site for the area is

[ 22-Mar-2010, at 12:14 by Daawgon ]

Awesome, glad to hear it.

I am totally open and ready for whatever so not too worried on that front. Should be interesting but bringing a rain jacket isn't a bad idea. How many litre bag did you travel with?

I might be there, but I have no idea when. Incase I end up going, what's your email address,?

what's up MKnez? I'll also be in South East Asia during this period. I head out to Thailand towards the end of May and I love would to do a 1 - 2 week tour of Cambodia ( Siem Reap and phnom penh) around the first weeks of June. If you are heading to Cambodia sometimes in June, let me know. I will be more than willing to travel with you. I'm a pretty laid back and outgoing guy. If you want my e-mail address or skype id or whatever so we can talk further let me know.

After that, I will spend most of my time in Nong Khai, Thailand. I will be doing some volunteer work ( teaching English) at an organization over there. It's completely free and they provide lodging. I intend on visiting Laos too while I am there because it is literally about five minutes away from Nong Khai.

[ 03-Apr-2010, at 09:56 by bakpakk ]

I am in Thailand for most of May and into the first week of June and then I head to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. If we could hook up that would be totally cool. I too and there for a free adventure so I'm just going with the flow of things. Let me know.
Shoot me your email if you wish. We can definitely see if our rough schedules will match.


fistly id say the there will be many more up's than down's whilst your in asia..people seem to warn of the all the bad things and things that can go wrong alot more than all the good things..probably the only realistic low points you will encounter are the bloody tuk tuk drivers trying to charge a little more than they should do and the arabs trying to sell you "top of the range suits" at a special price even though you might have walked past them a million times and told them your a backpacker with no money and on budget....haha..

as was stated in previous threads you will most definately meet people along the way,sometimes it may just be for a few hours on a train or whilst sat on a beach,or in a quiet beach bar or whatever..i met a young german lad on the train from bangkok to chumphon,we got talking and ended up spending 4 weeks together,he even took me to a secret desert island of which we spent 10 days and had the most mazing time,however his typical german organised ways and slight difference of opinion on just about everything became a little irritting after a month so we went our own seperate ways,however it was still a good experience..i personally enjoyed being myself more,could do what the hell i wanted,when i wanted and was quite happy alone with my own thoughts...your never to far away from local bar's and stuff to so if your a little fed up or in need of company or whatever its usually withing shouting distance,i tended to get along with locals alot more,and more or less everywhere i visited i made freinds with them,i remember whilst in ko samui i met a thai girl who managed a restraunt,i got talking and she said she would take me on her moped on her day off,so she did..i paid her 200 baht,4 quid towards fuel and off we went..things like this are a regular occurance,many people say the thais are just after your money,which is true to a certain extent but at the same time there the most kind,caring,freindly people you will come long as youve an open mind,a sense of humour and and a slight desire for an adventure you'll be just fine!!!

good luck!!!

Traveling to South East Asia May to July 2010

Traveling to South East Asia May to July 2010

Traveling to South East Asia May to July 2010

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