Meant to add I'm currently in Oz at the moment doing Sydney and then the East Coast from next week until Christmas.
You can find out more about me here: http://mattld.travellerspoint.com/
Hey Matt,
I have very similiar plans! Alhough, im flying in to Bangkok on the 11th. If your still around by then, it would be great o meet up and travel around together. Im planning to head north to cheing mai, before heading into loas, vietnam, cambodia and then traveling south to singapore.
Let me know if this interests you
Good to hear from ya! I'll msg ya now
Hey chaps,
I'm flying into BKK on the 5th Jan, and am also a solo backpacker. I'm aiming to backpack around Mainland SEA for 2 months before flying out of Singapore. What are your latest plans?

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