Widows has indicated that this thread is about Kiribati
I haven't been to Kiribati, but been to other islands in the area. I would say that yes, storms can be a problem, but probably not enough to warrant changing your plans over. If you can possibly avoid the wet season, then that would obviously be better.
Kiribati seems a somewhat roundabout place to get to. According to our guide to , there are only two airlines that fly there - (Fiji's national airline - NOTE: prices are in Fiji Dollars, so be careful when comparing) and (Nauru's airline). From some brief checking, I'm relatively certain that is still accurate. Both airlines have flights from Nadi (Fiji) to Kiribati. Our Airline also has a flight from Nauru. In other words, you will need to fly to either Fiji or Nauru from the UK first. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure you will find cheaper flights to Fiji than to Nauru.
There's a good blog entry from some of our members who have been to Kiribati. You might find it interesting
You may already be aware, but note that the letter 't' is pronounced as an 's' in Kiribati. And the i at the end is silent. So if you say 'Kiritimati', it actually sounds like Kirisimas, i.e. Christmas Island. Interesting fact
Peter, thanks for the info. I was hoping to go in the downtime I usually have in early Jan but if it's going to be stormy I might wait til later in the year.
Kiribati is definitely an odd place to try n get to, I had a look at a few sites last night and it's at least a couple of plane rides and a fair price tag but I can imagine I won't be spending a lot of cash whilst I'm there so that may balance it out a little.
I've read the blog as well, sounds great. Read a few blogs from other folks on other sites as well n they all make me want to go there
Can anyone recommend a guide book for the islands and any other island groups/chains nearby that would be worth visiting?
I'm pretty sure Lonely Planet has a guide book to Micronesia, which should cover Kiribati. I can't find it on their online shop though.
Also, Moon Handbooks specialises in the Pacific. Their Micronesia guidebook definitely covers Kiribati.
yeah I had a bit of a look for guide books before posting and LP do a book on the area but it's no longer in print and I think dated at 2003.
Have heard good things about Moon handbooks though, I'll see if I can get down to Waterstones n check it out.

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