The wiki is not showing the contributors for the page of Vienna. I have just made some small corrections, so maybe there is a small thing going wrong. I don't see other pages with the same glitch.
Hey René, I see Peter has also put through a 'minor change' on that page, and I just did as well. My guess is that changes to the calculation were being done yesterday when the server was struggling, and as a result, that page ended up blank. I'd imagine that along with the next update the contributors also re-appear. In fact they might already be there behind the scenes, but the cached content isn't showing it. It's hard to say for sure, but if they don't appear within 12 hours, we can start getting more worried
Something definitely went wrong there. Making the small changes didn't fix it either. I think it was related to server issues a couple of days ago.
I've manually resolved the problem for Vienna now. If you notice any other guides with no contributors like that, then let me know!
There are none that I am aware of. I made a small edit on sunday as well for Fort Lauderdale, but I doublechecked that one already on sunday, and it shows the contributors.

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