Good to see you like the site Andrew
The main reason for the Scribble template being like that is that it was created in a time when 800px wide was still a pretty standard screen resolution. As it's fixed width (unlike the Adventure template for example), it stays that way too. So it's actually meant to be that way, although yes, it can look weird if you have a larger screen and the browser windows set to full width.
You can edit each template if you know some CSS though, so it would be trivial to increase the text width if you prefer to run Scribble with a wider text column. And even if you don't know CSS, there's a few of us around that wouldn't mind helping
If you want to give increasing the text width a try, go to Edit Template under Templates and find this line:
Change that width bit to 600 for example, save it and check your blog for how it looks. The only thing that might end up looking weird is that top image which of course won't gracefully become bigger
I've done a bit of CSS before but generally need guidance. I changed the text width to 600 but all that did was push all the side bar info to the bottom of the blog. I think unless I can get it to look exactly right, I'll probably go with another template.
It would be a shame as I feel that template is by far the most suited to me but if not, no worries, I will use another one.
If anyone can advise though, I'd appreciate it.
PS - this will be my site, a food & travel blog: http://andrewsco.travellerspoint.com/
That could be fixed by increasing the wrapper width, but the bigger problem is going to be . You can see that that really limits the width the content can be because otherwise you end up with a red stripe down through your content and the navigation being on a yellow background... You could of course download that image and try and edit it to get it to work at wider widths, but not sure you want to go to those lengths?
This reminds me; we need some wider templates!!
You could of course download that image and try and edit it to get it to work at wider widths, but not sure you want to go to those lengths?
Correct! I'll leave it for now I think, never know I may get some inspiration later....
Did you ever work out how to reduce the yellow bit at the right-hand side to make the blog part of this template wider and more central? I just posted a question about the same issue today then came across this thread after. As some time has gone by since I am hoping someone has found a way to do this by now?!!

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