Going the the USA beginning of Jan 2011 anyone want to join?

My name is Leanne and im planning to go to the USA start of Jan 2011, im starting in Florida as i have a base there and going to head West along highway 10 along the bottom of Alabama, Louisiana, through Texas maybe head into Mexico, up to New Mexico through Arizona, Las vegas and up to California. Along the way stop any place i want and want to see as much as i can. That is going to be the main route but if anyone joins me we can always head of track a little and explore. What i plan to do is rent a fully equipped campervan so i have accomodation and only have to pay for the petrol costs!

Be aware that you'll need some kind of visa, as the visa waiver program only allows you to stay in the USA for up to 90 days (and weirdly enough time spent in Mexico keeps the 90 days counting if you leave via a land border).

Yeah i think i will probably apply for a work visa anyway, is the best way via the US embassy in this country as ive read the american visa website but its so confusing!

Going the the USA beginning of Jan 2011 anyone want to join?

Going the the USA beginning of Jan 2011 anyone want to join?

Going the the USA beginning of Jan 2011 anyone want to join?

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