Hi, I’m wondering if you can help clear up some confusion!
- 1: no, it doesn't. As you rightly point out, the YMS is a strictly British thing
- 2: afaik, your assumtion is wrong. Even though a WHV would allow for more time in Germany, the 90-in-180 rule still applies, so it wouldn't buy you more time outside Germany. I might be wrong, though. Better ask the German consulate about this.
- 3: hopping in and out of Schengen is not an option. You have to stay out a solid 3 months before coming back in.
Thank you for your reply.
I think you misunderstood what I meant by getting the German WHV though. I know it wouldn’t allow for an extension on the 90/180 days in the Schengen, it would just mean that say we spent 2 months travelling through Germany, we could then use our 90 days to travel through Shengen. Or am I wrong on this?
I am really just after any other suggestions people may have which would increase our time in Schengen. It is all a little confusing!
I know it wouldn’t allow for an extension on the 90/180 days in the Schengen, it would just mean that say we spent 2 months travelling through Germany, we could then use our 90 days to travel through Schengen.
Yes, this works.
One word of warning though: AFAIK you cannot hold a WHV for Germany at the same time as a YMS visa to the UK.

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