wanting to view niagara falls

I am travel man.travel is my hobby.i like to travel very much.but i
never traveled outside of my country!.i have plan to view niagara falls
in canada.i need help on how much money i will have to spend on fooding,
hotel costs in canada during my travel to niagara falls?.I started a blog on
travel--snip- i will post all my travel experiences,
talk and more.whatever i need all help from begining to end for travelling to
niagara falls.

Okay, the basics--Niagara Falls is right on the US-Canada border (there is actually a Canadian falls and an American falls)--but they are both viewed best from the Canadian side of the border. The massive one is the horseshoes falls on the Canadian side. About 90% of the water going over the Falls goes over the horseshoe falls. Both of the falls are lit up at night--and this can be very dramatic. Here's some sample shots:


If you plan to travel only to Canada (and not to the US), then you should fly into Toronto (Canada's largest city) and drive the approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get to the falls. (Do drive exactly at the speed limit--because the last time I made this drive, I realized that there were more speed traps in this area than any other part of Canada). Didn't get a ticket--but about 1/3rd of those driving the route did.

If you are going to the US--then you can actually fly into Buffalo--which is just 15 minutes from the falls. There is also a bridge (the "Rainbow" Bridge) that you can go across from the US to Canada (or vice-versa)--but of course, you need to have a US visa in that case.

The falls themselves are quite unique and interesting to view;--the surrounding city--not so much. There are just tons of run-down tourist attractions on the main road leading into the falls area--and while there is a very nice park right next to the falls, there are really no hotels to stay at that give a great view of the falls. Stay a few blocks inland and things will be much cheaper anyway. There is an interesting tour of the power plant here (on the Canadian side) that also discusses the falls. The most interesting thing to do while here is to take the "Maid of the Mist" tour, which is where you get in a boat and ride right up to the bottom of the horseshoes falls (you do get wet--but they give you a giant raincoat and a hat to wear when you get on the boat). This tour leaves only from the Canadian side.

On both the Canadian and New York side of the falls, there are some wineries in the vicinity. While they in no way rival any California, French, or Chilean/Argentinian wines, they do serve some interesting sweet white wines that are at least somewhat worth your attention. Like I said, though, go easy on the drinking of alcohol because of all the speed traps.

This is a very well-known honeymoon destination--mostly for those living in the eastern part of the US. Personally, I don't understand the big attraction, because I know a whole lot of places with better nightlife and a greater variety of more dramatic natural sights--but then I guess when you are on your honeymoon, you aren't leaving the hotel room that much to see or participate in the nightlife or local sights.


Hi there,

Read your reply, it is quite helpful as it is very detailed. Nice photos on the falls, it is very dramatic indeed. The best of travel to mridul. Have a great time.

Cheers guys.


Travellerspoint's forums are not designed to collect information for your own blog. It is one of the reasons your original post contains a -snip-, a link to the Forum Rules and a comment about no promos. It's also one of the reasons your last entry was flagged and deleted as promotional.

Calcruzer was kind enough to help you. He has not agreed to have HIS responses posted on your blog. You do state "i will post all my travel experiences, talk and more..." in your original post - were you planning to give Calcruzer credit for his input or ask his permission before the copy/paste?

Members will be happy to help you with the main questions of costs concerning food, lodging, transportation and such. But, they will not appreciate their information being used to create your own blog. You are the one planning to travel and write about YOUR experiences. Please do not use this site as a personal "wiki". Go. Travel. Blog about it. Don't copy/paste other's content.

[ 02-Nov-2010, at 14:17 by Isadora ]

wanting to view niagara falls

wanting to view niagara falls

wanting to view niagara falls

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