Blog Help

I need your help. I put up 14 blogs about my SEA trip back in 08. I used a general heading of: "April SEA Trip" That was fine until I added 4 entries from my trip around the SW US a few months ago. I put "Southwest Trip 2011 Day 1" as a subject header, but at the top it still says "April SEA Trip" at the very top. How can I get rid of the "April SEA Trip" tag at the top on my latest blog entries? Another question. Can I have one template for my SEA blog entries and another for my SW Trip entries? When I change templates, all blog entries switch to the new one. Thanks, Mike

You can change the blog title on the Settings page, to which there is a link on the My Blogs page (one of the drop down options at top right). Apologies for not linking directly; typing this on a mobile

It's not easily possible to change an entire template for just certain entries within a blog but if you wanted to, I could probably help you get one set of the pages to look different (ie swap out the header image or something).

You could also set up a second blog for the second trip (giving it a new title and new template), and copy over those four entries to there, although it'll be confusing for your readers, and doesn't really scale (if you have regular readers and you take ten trips, they have to subscribe to ten blogs). Easier might be to set the general header of your blog ("Blog Title" under Settings) to something generic like "Mike's Travels".

Btw, Sam/Peter, these kind of requests are made so often (the concept of an ever-running blog maps so badly to the "record a trip" mode that a lot of people want to be in) that it might be really worthwhile to add a layer of abstraction on top of blogs; give everyone a single blog, but allow them to split individual posts into a multiple "trip journals" (with styling and options and titles), giving them the option to present that as a primary interface?

Btw, Sam/Peter, these kind of requests are made so often (the concept of an ever-running blog maps so badly to the "record a trip" mode that a lot of people want to be in) that it might be really worthwhile to add a layer of abstraction on top of blogs; give everyone a single blog, but allow them to split individual posts into a multiple "trip journals" (with styling and options and titles), giving them the option to present that as a primary interface?

Yes, it seems the original idea is definitely ripe for some rejigging, as is adding the concept of albums to the photography area for example!

I guess it would involve letting people drag all entries into a trip, or adding them to a trip by selecting that when they post the entry. Then having a different default home page view which lists trips in some way. It's not super straightforward to do, but I imagine it would be a much liked improvement.

Thanks guys. I changed the title to 'Mike's Adventures'. That should cover all blog entries. I can live with one template.

By the way, do you want to shoot a machine gun? It seems many of our tourists do. When you have people waiting up to 2 hours for a chance to fire a machine gun, you know its a money maker.

By the way, do you want to shoot a machine gun? It seems many of our tourists do. When you have people waiting up to 2 hours for a chance to fire a machine gun, you know its a money maker.

I would most likely wait a few hours for that myself But don't forget I grew up on a little island shooting birds as a little boy, so I'm messed up for life

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