I have been in Europe for some time, and have travelled quite a bit, but always with someone!
The longer I am here the less opportunities I have to travel with a companion, and am wondering if anyone could tell me which out of the following (if not all or none) are the safest or most dangerous to travel to alone, as a young female.
I don't think Amsterdam would cause that much trouble, only be aware of the 'usual' pickpockets, mainly at the central station. I haven't experienced any strange things yet there. Berlin is I guess also not that dangerous, as long as you don't wander off (outsite the center) at night.
These destinations you mentioned don't really sound like 'dangerous' ones. Most 'visit-friendly' coutries would be Ireland or Scotland, I think.
General tip is not to go to the dodgy parts of town, and don't walk somewhere alone at night, and always be aware of the usual scams and such. But I don't think that you'll encounter many problems in these mentioned countries/cities.
I have been in Europe for some time, and have travelled quite a bit, but always with someone!
The longer I am here the less opportunities I have to travel with a companion, and am wondering if anyone could tell me which out of the following (if not all or none) are the safest or most dangerous to travel to alone, as a young female.Ireland, Scotland, Berlin, France, Greece, Spain, Venice, Prague, Copenhagen, Belgium, Amsterdam?
Been some of these places with groups but never alone, any advice? Tips?
France would be good... Paris is always lovely. If you want to make sure to have a safe trip alone, have things planned out and make sure you have booked flights, hotels, and even on some visits where booking is needed. If you're open to extra costs, you might want to rent a car (a trusted one) to drive you around the city just so to make sure everything would go smoothly and safely.
France, Greece and Spain are great if you're travelling alone. A lot of people there are helpful to tourists and are friendly. Just as long as you also ask kindly.
Alright great! Thanks for the advice everyone
big cities always have pickpocketing risks! i'd guard my things carefully if i travelled alone, as there's nobody to look out for me. also a number of con people who pretend to ask u for directions or help etc but are actually pickpockets. i didnt have any bad experience during my europe trip this year, but i've heard of many scary ones too... just stay away from the dodgy places. heh.

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