Some changes are being considered to the Travellerspoint front page.
95% of the time I visit travellerspoint, I just go straight to the forum and never see the front page. For the remaining 5% of visits, I do like the customized front page; I have all the bits of information I care about right there (specifically bits of information for which I wouldn't bother visiting the full pages, where otherwise I wouldn't know that they'd been updated when they are (e.g. comments on my photos)), without having to see the bits I don't care about.
I'd miss customized front pages if they went away, but wouldn't be terribly upset.
[ 28-Apr-2011, at 09:20 by Sander ]
Like Sander, I rarely visit my TP home page and go straight to the forums. The only things I would miss are the new members list and the link to 'More Travellerspoint Stats' as I view those quite often for multiple reasons. Other than that, I use my browser history and the TP tool bar to 'tool' around TP.
Ok, well, that's not really a strong reaction against change in any case
The stats will still be there, so that's no problem.
It will be good to know what other content is really valued (like recent comments on photos), so that we can look at ways of ensuring they are still available. They might not be on the front page, but we could redo the Control Panel to allow custom content in there like the front page has now.

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