Hello there!
Hey Sam, i'm also in wellington, i'd imagine your best chance of country pubs would be in the south island in one of the small towns. What sites have you been using to look for work?
Are you in a rented house or hostels atm? NZ does kick ass
Well I signed up to an agency called Weststaff, they managed to find me work straight away but only once a week, i need more! Iv also tried seek.com but no luck there! Im stayin in a hostel at the mo, was thinking of moving to the south island for work.
I'm in south Island at the moment and as the ski season hasn't quite kicked off yet there are very few jobs going. I'd stay north if you plan to work. Scenery - south island
Hi Sam,
Have you tried looking at Trademe for jobs? they have some on there. Also have you tried contacting Drake international which is an employment agency... they are always looking for people.
There are a few other agencies that specialise in Hospo staff if that is what you are looking for.
Also you might want to try Christchurch, with the amount of people apparently leaving there some companies are screaming out for workers.
Hope you have some luck finding something.
Also try for casual/seasonal jobs.

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