I have used the snipping tool and copied my PDF document into word and tried to copy the document as you suggested in a previous entry using the shortcut keys but it won't paste. Is there something else I can?
Why don't you copy the text that you are pasting into Word directly into your blog entry?
Thanks for replying.
I have tried that. I have tried taking a snap shot also and pasting it in. The paste doesn't become bold so I have tried control v. Am I doing something crazy?
When you copy it into Word, do you see text or just an icon? It's not very easy to get the actual text out of a PDF document, and there's different methods depending on the software you are using... I know how to do it on a mac, but would be much less confident that that works on a Windows PC.
I suspect your issue is that you want to see bold text remain formatted as bold when you are copying it from Word? That won't work unfortunately. You can copy the text, but it would come into the textarea unstyled. You can then bold certain segments if you like by using the "B" in the top of the textarea toolbar.
Thanks for all your help.
I am having a problem uploading photos from my ipad2. I can,t upload individual or bulk photos is there something wrong
Hi Ann,
The browser on an iPad doesn't have access to the filesystem, so there is no way of uploading from there.
There are two ways around this
1. Upload via email
2. Have a dedicated a Travellerspoint app, which has the possibility of uploading.
The app is in the works, though more catered to iPhones, than iPads. It will hopefully be ready in a month or so.
The uploading via email is already possible if you have a blog on Travellerspoint. When you set up a blog, an email address is provided to you that you can use to post to. If you attach photos to that email, then it will also upload those photos to your gallery. Downside to this approach is that all your photos also need to be posted to your blog entry
Hi Peter
Thanks for the info. Is it possible to resend the email address as I don't have the info anymore or can you tell me where I can find the address.
Thanks again
Hi Ann, you'll find the email address under the SETTINGS link available from . It's listed behind the last setting: Allow posting blogentries per email. If that is set to NO, change it to YES and it will appear after you save the settings.
[ 10-May-2011, at 01:38 by Sam I Am ]

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