How much money do I need?

I would like to travel around the world for over a year. I want to work in most of the countries I go to, but I do not have a clue how much I should save before going....

Working in "most" countries isn't feasible, either due to visas (getting a work visa for the USA is effectively impossible) to having to compete against the local population (imagine what your wages would be like in most SE Asian countries). You can legally work in all of the EU, and it's trivially easy to get a Working Holiday Visa in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Such visas are "once in a lifetime", though, so only worth getting if you'll actually spend a significant chunk of a year in that country. What most people (who go travelling for a year) do is get a WHV for one of those three countries, spend 6-9 months there, working for 4-6 months to try and save up money (don't count on saving up a whole lot though; most people only manage to stretch out their money), and use the other 3-6 months to see the rest of the countries on their itinerary.

Budget wise, outside of international flights, count on needing at least ~€50/day in Australia/New Zealand, ~€20/day in SE Asia, ~€25/day in South America (~€35/day in Argentina/Chile) and ~€60/day in North America. Figure out how many months you want to spend everywhere, then do the math. Note that many people spend way more than this (especially if they like going out drinking, and doing many organized activities), and some manage to be frugal to such a degree that they do it cheaper, but on average you should be able to travel around decently (by public transport, staying in hostels or cheap guesthouses, self-catering or eating on the street) on such a budget.

Wow this is a lot to take in but thank you for your advice! I would ideally like to work in an office in Australia as I am a qualified Legal Secretary and they are always looking for that sort of employment.

Thank you again

Wow. This is a very vague question. Maybe you need to go out on a 1 day vacation (even just somewhere near) to check how much do you spend for a day's travel. Then multiply it by 2. Then multiply it on how many days would you be staying in a place on travel. Then add up your plane ticket expenses and accommodation expenses. That's all the advice I could give for now but at least that would give you an idea on your budget.

Thank you for this advice!

It's so hard planning everything I just want to get everything right and know that I will have enough money to last my trip!

How much money do I need?

How much money do I need?

How much money do I need?

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