Assitance with my Western Europe itinerary?

Hello wise travellers!

Just a few tips.

Go to Brugges in Belgium. I would skip Brussels altogether but if you must go, I wouldn't spend more than 1 full day there. I would limit Brugges to three days max.

From Brugges, take a train down to Paris. I am not sure if there are direct trains, might be something you need to check out. I would spend at least four days in Paris.

With Germany, the obvious choice is Berlin and the obvious mode of transport is flying. The train will take far too long. If you choose to take the train, make sure you stop somewhere along the way. Once again, allow at least four days in Berlin. I would really recommend doing a bike tour there.

After Germany, if you have time, Prague is an awesome city to visit. There are lots of cool pubs and you would definitely need to sign up for a pub crawl. I would also add Budapest only if you have time. Allow three days in each city at least. Budapest is my favourite city in Europe. There is so much to see and do.

... are planning a Western Europe tour for 2 (maybe 3) weeks in May 2012.... be on a budget (4000$ canadian MAX each. *if possible) as much as possible but travel the quickest ways possible....places to hit are: Holland (friend has family here) Belgium, Other places are France, Germany, ...Anywhere i am missing that i should include?:

3 Weeks @ C$45 a day can be hard pressed but not impossible. Start with Holland, and have your friend's family suggest (and maybe put you up for a while ?) what to do and where to go. Don't miss Amsterdam, Delft, Kinderdijk (windmills) and the famous tulip fields. Holland can keep you busy for quite a few days.
Belgium: yes, Bruges (Brugge) is worthwhile a visit, so is Louvain (Leuven) and, why not, Brussels (with its "atomium" and "Manneky pis" on the Grand'Place). Take a train to Paris, see the Eiffel Tower, Montparnasse, the Arc de Triomphe. You can find some inexpensive hostels everywhere after a bit of searching and negotiating!
Find out about cheap flights from Amsterdam or Brussels to places which you fancy. Also for local and public transport you need to inform yourself at the time on the spot for best prices to various locations.
And if you are not at the end of your budget, Rome or Madrid are only a short "cheap" flight away (be careful, inform yourself of all the details !!)

Check Ryanair, Easyjet and Wizzair for cheap flights between cities.
Travelling by train or bus in Europe can be quite expensive, the exception is if you book your tickets far in advance.

About the places you want to visit
Holland (Amsterdam and the nearby city of Harleem are nice places to visit)
Belgium (definitely Brugges!)
Germany (Berlin is the only true must-see)
France (Paris and the Cote d'Azur in the south are both worth a visit)
Czech Republic (the city of Prague is magic as well as all the countryside in the Bohemia)
UK (London, Edinburgh and the Highlands in Scotland)

Other places i would suggest
Barcelona (one of the most interesting art cities in Europe)
Lisbon (beautiful with a diverse nightlife and imo the best beaches of Europe)
Dublin (I actually haven't been yet, but recommended by many travellers i've met)
Switzerland (I live here and I must say it's like a heaven on Earth)
Italy (Florence and Venice are definitely worth a visit, and Rome if you have the time)

Assitance with my Western Europe itinerary?

Assitance with my Western Europe itinerary?

Assitance with my Western Europe itinerary?

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