where are you keeping all your valuables?

Hey there

Pickpockets are world wide these days so not in your trouser pockets or purses.

Money belts are quite good but if you are held up, a ready target.

I'll often carry a plastic bag inside another plastic bag. They look cheap and in them I keep my valuables. No pickpocket will get them from me. I do have some money in my pocket if held up. I also carry a colour photocopy of the information page of my passport in case I lose it.

As to swimming, you might try hiding the stuff somewhere in your room where the maid won't find it.

I use an for passport, credit cards, serious money. They would have to make you strip to get your valuables. I suggest you get for your bag. This way you can leave it in a room w/o worrying it will be still be there when you return. Swimming is always a problem. I would leave as much as possible in your hotel safe or in your room. This is where pac-safe becomes worth the money. Inexpensive rooms are not secure, most locks are a joke and all the staff have keys. If you have a friend along while swimming, they can watch over your bag. They do make if you decide on that option. Good luck with your planning.

Inexpensive rooms are not secure, most locks are a joke and all the staff have keys.

How very true! Now I also hear that those room safes are also a joke - they have a default code that everyone (including the thief) knows. My solution is to bring the absolute minimum of valuables with me at all times. If I go swimming, I only bring myself and a minimum of cash. If you travel with valuables and are as forgetful as I am, be prepared to lose them.

Now I also hear that those room safes are also a joke - they have a default code that everyone
(including the thief) knows.

True. I used a room safe my last trip to Pattaya. I screwed up the code and had the manager come up to my room. He had it opened in about 1 minute. Decent hotels have lock boxes behind the front desk. Or a safe that you can put your valuables. This is an option if you do not trust your room. This is why I suggest They cannot get into your bag w/o cutting high tensile steel. At least make it difficult for thieves!

Hey there

Was wondering hat everyones take on where to keep your passport, credit/debit cards and other valaules?

1.Are people using Money belt or pouch to store them in? but what do you do with them if your heading into sea?

2. Keep them in your locker in a hostel? it could be risky, but dont have the worry of carrying it everywhere?

3. just keep it in your jeans.triuser pockets, risk of losing them but look much less like a tourist? plus like point 1 where to keep them if you go swimming

Any other suggestions? what to do?

thanks in advance

hi i think it depends on where you are and the hotel you live. for example if you lived in a standard hotel then live it in the locker is OK ,but if it's a unsafe one you'd better take it with yourself (i prefer put it in my left pocket) anyway it's rely on different destination.

I just bought a waterproof pouch for my iPhone, money, passport for going to the beach. I travel alone so it's always been a problem what to do with my stuff while I go in the water. Now I can bring my stuff with me. I keep some money back in my luggage in the hotel/hostel so if I get robbed I'm not totally wiped out. Most hostels I stayed at I used my own lock on the locker so no one else was getting into it. I love when I find pants with a low zippered/buttoned pocket on the leg. kind of hard for a robber to get down there, lol.

If you keep your wallet in your front jeans pocket, it's almost impossible for thieves to get it without you noticing. Back pockets are much less secure.

One time, though, I put some emergency money in my shoe, thinking that was a clever place to hide it. Then we visited a mosque, where you have to take off your shoes... I completely forgot. Luckily, there was no-one around, and the money was still there when I got back.

where are you keeping all your valuables?

where are you keeping all your valuables?

where are you keeping all your valuables?

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