Female Traveling Solo Through Australia!!!

Hello everyone!

hey emily going to melbourne in march shame wasn't going earlier, 22 myself from england not been travelling before. If you are about then be great to meet up. planning on making my way up the east coast; but all depends on who i meet n if i have a job x

Hello Emily

I too am travel solo to Melbourne and I land on the 4th January. I will be planning on staying in Melbourne for a while because i want to watch the Tennis and also the Grand prix in march. How long do you think you will in melbourne for? After the grand prix i plan on traveling up to Sydney where i will stay for a while before traveling up the coast visiting all the main attractions but not got anything set so i can go with the wind so to speak. Do you have any plans or places you must see?


Sam! I just arrived here in Melbourne and am staying in a hostel in St. Kilda. I am looking for a travel buddy to go up along the Great Ocean Road and visit a lot of the sites. Are you in the St. Kilda area? Maybe we can meet up and see if we would be good travel buddies!


Hey there,
Funny, my friend Jana and I (Coleen) also arrived on 3rd of January in Melbourne.
We would love to meet up with you guys.
Also we are searching for a ride up the east coast to share the gas (we dont own a car). Our plan is to travel up the East Coast as far as we can towards Brisbane. We thought about travelling on in the end of January/beginning of Feb.
All in all, we thought about maybe doing the trip in 3 months.
We would also love to meet up for a cofee or go out together at night time.


I am also planning on travelling up the coast of Eastern Australia starting late January. I am a 22 year old Canadian planning on exploring Australia, Southeast Asia and China. Let me know if anyone is travelling in Australia during Febuary and maybe we can meet up.


Hey guys!

I would love if we could all get together and have coffee. I am thinking of renting a campervan and heading up the coast around Feb. 1st, but the time can be negotiable. I want to be able to take our time while driving up, so we can stop at places if we think they will be nice or not. We don't have to do the campervan, but it costs wayyyyy cheaper that if we were to just rent a car and then stay in hostels. I priced it for 2 months with 4 people at around $20 a day. That's not including gas, but it's a lot cheaper. I am in the St. Kilda area, which is only a short tram ride from the city. Coleen, when can you and Jana meet up, if you still want to?

I also have a driver's licence, but I don't want to be the only one driving the whole time, so are there any other people that can share the driving?

Andrew - I also am wanting to go to Thailand and places like that, so if we met up here in Australia we can extend the trip up north.

Anyways, let me know guys and we can sort something out.


Hey guys

I'm going to be in Sydney from the 11th of Jan for a month or so, will any of you be around?

Char x

Renting a campervan sounds like a great idea especially if it would be much cheaper than staying in hostels plus the fact that there would be no need to worry about transportation. I have a drivers liscence so I could share the driving.

Female Traveling Solo Through Australia!!!

Female Traveling Solo Through Australia!!!

Female Traveling Solo Through Australia!!!

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