What not to pack for Travel January- March

Traveling India and Southeast Asia starting in January until maybe March or April. I am starting to pack and I was wondering if there is anything anyone packed and carried around with them that they ended up regretting bringing?

Sleeping bag, roll up mattress, mosquito net, huge jug of detergent are some things travelers have regretted bringing along. If you haven't flown recently remember to check with your airline's security link for things you can bring onto the plane in your carry on bag. Every time I fly I see huge bottles of face cream, perfume, cologne, various liquid or semi liquid things that women use confiscated because they exceed what can be safely brought onto the plane. (Liquids have to fit in that little plastic bag.!)

But it depends on what you will be using for accommodation. Even cheap crappy places without air often have mosquito netting if necessary. Maybe a sleep sack will come in handy if you are going real cheap. Many things can be purchased in stores overseas if you need them.

Do not bring valuable jewelry, especially if you will be staying in cheap places. If you have a family heirloom - leave it home! If you have an expensive Rolex leave that home. Besides when you are shopping and you look wealthy you will probably be offered higher prices when buying from street vendors. A fellow tourist or someone you invite in your room could steal from you probably before the hotel staff.

Maybe limit the electronic crap some travelers bring. You see DVD players, more than one big laptop, several cell phones, etc. Not too many hotel rooms have safes large enough to store a big laptop! (When I travel I do bring a computer but it is a small cheap netbook. I leave my big expensive computers safe at home! But just about everywhere you will be will have cheap internet shops you can use!)

Bring some cheap padlocks. Have luggage, bags, packs that you can lock. Use the security box or safe your hotel has available.

Not mentioned is what you do at home before you leave on a long trip! Stop any newspaper delivery if there will be no one in your home when you are gone. Take out the trash! If you have some bloody meat wrappers, take out containers, pieces of fruit or fish remnants in your trash you will immediately know that when you return a month later! Your house will stink! Stop your mail or have the post office or a friend hold it for you. Nothing says "no one home" to a thief like a huge pile of newspapers or uncollected mail! If there is no one at your house when you are gone maybe buy and set up some sort of automatic lights on lights off device.

You also have to notify your bank or credit unions that you will be using a credit or debit card overseas. If not your ATM withdrawal may not be authorized overseas! Don't rely only on a single debit or credit card for cash when overseas. That one card could become stolen or damaged!

The less you bring along, the more you'll enjoy that trip, because you'll have more time to enjoy it!

What not to pack for Travel January- March

What not to pack for Travel January- March

What not to pack for Travel January- March

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