Looking for friend for South America March to May 2012

Hey - I'm Rob

Hey Rob! I'm setting out on a round the world trip and will be in South America from Jan 20th to May 20th, from March to May I was thinking Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile (I'm starting with Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia). I'm also travelling by myself and looking to meet fellow travelers, so add me on facebook if you want to stay in touch!
All the best, and enjoy your holiday in the Caribbean


Hi Rob!

I am moving to Panama from London at the end of February to live and work in the city for 3 years, but first am spending 4 weeks in Bocas del Toro on the Carribean Coast for the whole of March, doing a Spanish course and fitting in some chilling and surfing around the lessons! Maybe learnign Spanish for a bit would be something good to do for you if you are then travelling round the rest of S.America?

Looking for friend for South America March to May 2012

Looking for friend for South America March to May 2012

Looking for friend for South America March to May 2012

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