Hey all,
All booked up now for Oz 16th Jan cant bloody wait! Literally decided to go lik 2 weeks ago! Does any one no of any good sights to get deals on travel insurance etc? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks mish xx
im flying to oz on the 2nd Jan going alone aswell! so scared but excited at the same time!!!
not sure about insurance going to see if i can get it through my bank. got a year working holiday visa bit worried about having enough money so hopefully find work easily. haha x
im a 29 year old female going beginning of january to australia also, hoping to work and travel also!!! what are the odds. Im pretty sure Im going alone too. I was wondering about the insurance thing too..... hope someone who knows can help us all out here. havent booked my ticket yet, waiting on visa stuff first.
Hey girls, have you booked in hostels or anything yet ? Iv jus booked in Wake up! for the first 2 weeks looks lik its a busy one so be lots goin on for when i first get there! Anyone got any actual plans ....i literally dnt have ne, how long im stayin , where im goin ...nothing lol! talk about spontaneous!!
Hey im arriving at sydney on the 15th of january
I havnt booked any travel insurance yet either, however ive been checking out worldnomads and insureandgo.com which are both quite good i believe!
i know australia have 'medicare' which we are entilted too, just not exactly sure whats covered etc.. its on my list of things to look into! Maybe any of you know more about it??
Dean x
not booked in any hostels yet or anything!!!! yeah ive heard that wake up is really good!!! its massive as well aparently.
Are you both going to be working??? have you sorted an aus bank account out or anything??
ive literally got no plans just being spontaneous aswell haha!! x
Hey guys!
I'm in Australia at the moment, and I came out in September.
I found that Debhanams actually had the best "backpackers" insurance, because although there's a few cheaper ones out there, you can pay something like £20 to go excess free with Debhanams, whereas with the cheaper ones they had an excess of as much as £75, and you couldn't go waiver it, so that means if you were out here and £50 got stolen it would actually cost you £25 to claim it back..
does that make sense? so mine was £200 for 10 months, excess free, and they sent me a plastic card to keep in my purse with the phone number and stuff on, i was quite impressed.
Also, you can get the medicare card when you're here, and basically it means that you can get money back if you end up paying for medical bills/doctors appointments whilst you're here.. only a percentage of it back though. you just go to a healthcare place and fill out a form, and it gets sent to an address (so you need somewhere for it to be sent to)
hope that helps!
Charlotte x
Thank you so much every1 this has helped loads iv been looking round so much for good deals! I am planning on working KatyHickey dnt really mind what jus so i cn get bit money to look after myself but I am planning on travellin a bit n not stayin in Sydney longer than say 2/3 months! Not sorted bank acount out yet tho ! whats your plans?? xx
I found that Downunder Insurance was the best for us - we paid £540 for a couple for 12 months. We went with this because it's flexible and allows you to add different 'adventure' activities to your insurance by the day (so if you plan to do 3 days whitewater rafting you just have to pay for 3 days) rather than having to add on expensive extra 'packs' to cover you. We also paid more to cover individual items such as iphones and our laptop - something that lots of backpacker travel insurance companies wont let you do. It was important to me that having the cover was actually useful if something went wrong - personal possessions cover of only £1,000 and single limit of £150 was not enough!!
Medicare you get back 35% of the cost of some doctors appointments, as an example I went to the doctors last week for a pill prescripton, cost me $70 (and $22 for the pill for 4 months) and I will get back around $36. You just need to take your reciept and medicare card into one of their 'shops' and they will give you the cash straight away. You do need an address to register with them in the first place though.
Bank accounts are also very easy to set up once you are here, we originally went with Bankwest (as we are in Perth) and they set you up on a 'basic' account until you pay over $2,000 per month in and then you can get a debit card (you do get a card with the basic account for cash machines, and EFTPOS but can't use it online) and they charge about $2.99 per month or free once you pay money in. We are thinking of changing to the NAB though, as they do a Gold account that doesn't charge any foreign transaction fees - useful as we still buy stuff from the UK.
If you are staying long term we've found it useful to get a driving licence, they aren't great at accepting your UK driving licence as ID (as my 27 year old friend has found out!) and if you don't want to carry your passport around with you it's also good. They are easy enough to get from the licence place once you have a proof of address (your bank letter will do) and cost around $75 for the year.
I'd also recommend using ukforex for transferring money from the UK to an Oz bank account, they only charge £7 per transfer and have good rates and are super helpful - and it only takes 2-3 working days to clear. Don't use the banks, they charge extortionate fees!!
If anyone has any other questions I'll do my best to help!

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